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D-AW21 state- of -the -art Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS), specifically designed for aviation to collect and process and display meteorological data.

The D-AW21 helps air traic controllers, pilots, and aviation meteorologists make critical decisions by providing continuous, real-time reports on airport weather conditions through workstation displays in which have various interfaces meet ICAO standards and user requirements.


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Cloud Ceilometer

Cloud Ceilometer
The SWS-100 is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements are required alongside basic present weather measurements

BTD-300 Thunderstorm Detector

BTD-300 Thunderstorm Detector
The SWS-100 is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements are required alongside basic present weather measurements

SWS-100 Visibility Sensor

SWS-100 Visibility Sensor
The SWS-100 is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements are required alongside basic present weather measurements